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Locked In Athletics

Thank you for your interest in our company. Complete the form below to send us an email, or simply give us a call. We're looking forward to working with you.

  • Queen Creek, AZ 85142
  • 480-565-7696

    Join Us

    Opportunities Within

    Our programs are only as good as the people who are managing them. Our driving philosophy of treating others as you want to be treated, has attracted some of the best individuals to join our team. Our greatest assets are our athletes. Parents, Schools and Local communities entrust us when it comes to Youth Sports. We are always looking for exceptional individuals to Join Us.


    Being an instructor requires more than knowing the sport. It requires patience, understanding and the ability to motivate growth. We are looking for individuals who are knowledgable and experienced in Spirit Line (Cheer), Volleyball, Wrestling or Baseball and willing to share your talents with our athletes. We’d love to meet you if you’re interested.



    Must be 21+ w/previous coaching experience

    Flexible Saturday Schedule | Shifts vary between 7am-1pm

    Pass National Background Screening

    Complete CPR/First Aid & SafeSport – Certification (Company Sponsored)

    Complete Sport/s Specific Training Course

    Punctuality and Interpersonal Skills are a MUST!!!

    This position qualifies for a season stipend

    Coach / Official

    Officiating & Coaching youth sports is a prime opportunity to help build an athletes confidence. Our programs focus on the fundamentals making it easier for our coaches and officials to help athletes better understand the sport. We provide the proper training and tools needed for success. Just come prepared to change to lives!!!



    Must be 16+ with basic knowledge of the sport of choice

    Flexible Saturday Schedule | Shifts vary between 7am-1pm

    Pass National Background Screening

    Complete CPR/First Aid & SafeSport – Certification (Company Sponsored)

    Complete Sport/s Specific Training Course

    Punctuality and Interpersonal Skills are a MUST!!!

    This position qualifies for a season stipend

    Site Manager/General Assistance

    Customer service and effective communication are key ingredients to our success. Providing a physical contact at each site is not optional but critical to the overall experience. We are looking for exceptional individuals who strives to live by the Golden Rule. If this is you, Join Us!



    Site Manager (Must be 18+)

    General Assistance (Must be 15+)

    Flexible Saturday Schedule | Shifts vary between 7am-1pm

    Pass National Background Screening

    Complete CPR/First Aid & SafeSport – Certification (Company Sponsored)

    Complete Sport/s Specific Training Course

    Punctuality and Interpersonal Skills are a MUST!!!

    This position qualifies for a season stipend

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    Signup Here
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    Monday – Friday | 8:30 to 4:30 PM

    Saturday & Sunday | Closed

    Mailing Address

    22424 S Ellsworth Loop Rd, #402
    Queen Creek, AZ 85142

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